Conceptual System for Role-Playing Games and narrative writing

I bought my first DnD Player Handbook and started drafting this system for role-playing games or narrative writing. I used my proficiency calculator to slowly test it out. I’ve barely got into the first chapter but it’s already helping. I can’t wait to see what happens when I actually finish reading the handbook. I’d also like to check out other systems for more insight since I want this one to be able to be used with multiple ttrpg systems and for narrative writing.

I mention a lot about different calculators in this. Using what I have for the developmental stages can actually reach 24.8 ability points which is less than 50 away from the typical 72 ability points a human character that is approximately 18 and level one in dnd would have.

Other factors that I mention can actually bridge that gap and bring the ability points to around 68 ability points based on what I’ve done to test it. There are still more things to do to adequately test the calculators I mention to reach this conclusion since I’ve only tested it once.

Character creation system

Developmental stages

1. Roll 1d6 -1 for base birth stats, no rerolls. Characters get stats from calculating experiences before the start of the story from going over a developmental stages form. Using a proficiency calculator.

2. Family legacy and genetic modifiers Characters can have a family legacy modifier and can have a few different family genetic modifiers ranging -3 to +3 points using a specific calculator to derive the modifiers as deemed appropriate.

3. Significant life events calculator a little better than typical modifiers.  Range of -5 to +5 modifiers for significant life events. Possibly a limit to how many a character can have depending on the needs of the system, game play or narrative.

Same calculator could be used for stat gain from encounters/quests etc. or the family legacy and genetic for them if it fits gameplay better.

Heritage (Race) Modifiers

Can have modifiers for specific stats and abilities. Can use custom heritage using a calculator to derive the heritage modifiers range of -3 to +3 and applied as deemed appropriate or using heritage modifiers from existing heritages.


Can give additional stats either from a custom class using a calculator to derive the modifier range of -3 to +3 as deemed appropriate or using the class modifiers from existing classes.

Character Abilities, Buffs and Afflictions

Can create character abilities and assign stats based on applicable life experiences like hobby’s, work, and major life events.

Can create character buffs and assign stat buffs based on applicable life experiences like major life events or positive relationship experiences.

Can create character afflictions and assign debuffs based on applicable life experiences like major life events or negative relationship experiences.

Elemental affinities, resistance, and vulnerabilities 

Based on character personality, birthday, sign, and numerology or other factors such as major life experiences, genetics, legacy, abilities etc.

Character creation at session 0 must be approved by group members. 

Combat System

Comparing stats and other factors in gameplay plus Ability checks, attack rolls, luck rolls, saving throws or combining stats sparingly like str + willpower roll, almost like an advantage or even applying disadvantage. Can be adjusted for specific gameplay systems or styles. Rolling Initiative if deemed appropriate by dm and or plus other player’s for unseen variables or actions.

Might adjust modifier ranges to fit better.

One shots

Whenever I test this system my plan is going to be to find a short DnD one shot that I’ll attempt to play solo by integrating it’s system with mine. I’ll turn the one shot into a segmented encounter form that will allow me to dm and play adventurer first while keeping elements of surprise by creating choice trees that I will roll for to see which one I go for as dm. 

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I created H-CAT the Holistic Character Assessment Toolkit.

2 thoughts on “Conceptual System for Role-Playing Games and narrative writing”

  1. Awesome Lilly, would you be up for a call where you fully explain and teach TTRPG game building, I’d like to see your perspective how you’d make a TTRPG game

    1. I’m not sure I’m ready to teach anything just yet but I have considered making YouTube videos on what I’m trying to do for narrative writing and for making ttrpgs.

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