Tag: Scenario Analysis

  • In depth H-CAT (Holistic Character Assessment Toolkit) Road map

    Holistic Character Assessment Toolkit (H-CAT)

    The road map is a list of features I hope to get implemented in the future and to help you understand the H-CAT vision. I will occasionally update this blog post when I think of new things to consider for the site features. Feel free to also comment your ideas for additions to the road map so I can add your ideas too. Make an account and I’ll link you in the additions.

    Test Section Contributions

    Enneagram’s Contribution:

    Reveals core fears, desires, and motivations. Influences behavior and decision making.

    HEXACO-W Contribution:

    Understands overall personality traits, behavior patterns, and tendencies.

    PETALS (personality extremes, traits and life spectrums:

    Explores negative dimensions, revealing character complexities and motivations. Enhances character depth and realism.

    Jungian Scenarios Contribution:

    Offers insights into cognitive processes, ethical stances, and problem-solving strategies in complex situations.


    – Enneagram and HEXACO-W: The Enneagram reveals core fears, desires, and motivations, while HEXACO-W provides insights into overall personality traits. By combining these two parts, users can understand how their character’s personality traits interact with their underlying fears and desires, influencing their behavior and decision-making.

    – Enneagram and PETALS: The Enneagram highlights psychological patterns and motivations, while the PETALS explores extreme dimensions. Together, they help users understand the interplay between extremes in personality and traits within their characters, creating depth and realism in their portrayal.

    – Enneagram and Jungian Scenarios: The Enneagram provides insights into core motivations, while Jungian Scenarios offer a glimpse into cognitive processes and problem-solving strategies. Combining these parts allows users to explore how their characters’ motivations shape their thinking and decision-making in complex situations.

    – HEXACO-W and PETALS: The HEXACO-W dimensions provide an understanding of overall personality traits, including positive and negative aspects, while the PETALS focuses specifically on extreme dimensions. By considering both parts, users can balance and explore the interplay between positive, negative, and extreme traits or beliefs, giving their characters depth and complexity.

    – HEXACO-W and Jungian Scenarios: The HEXACO-W dimensions shed light on behavior patterns and tendencies, while Jungian Scenarios provide insights into cognitive processes and ethical stances. By combining these parts, users can understand how their characters’ personality traits influence their approach to complex situations and their ethical decision-making.

    – PETALS and Jungian Scenarios: The PETALS explores extreme dimensions, revealing character complexities and motivations, while Jungian Scenarios offer insights into cognitive processes and problem-solving strategies. Together, they provide a comprehensive understanding of how characters’ extreme traits interact with their thinking and decision-making in challenging scenarios.

    By understanding the potential interactions between these different parts, users can effectively utilize the tests to develop well-rounded and multi-dimensional characters for their stories.

    HCAT features

    Testing options 

    • Choose which parts of the test the user wishes to take to fit their needs and purpose.
    • Separation of personality natured test, physical natured test and nuanced interactions and dynamics.

    Character profile options

    • Creating and saving character profiles 
    • Duplicating and saving character profiles under another (character development timeline)
    • Editing character profiles
    • Deleting character profiles
    • Comparing character profiles side by side

    Test result options

    • Descriptions of calculations and associated parameters. (Display of character traits, moral alignments, and function pairs associated with the chosen answers.)
    • Personalized input area to add specifics and or clarifying information etc.

    Stat options

    • Choosing which stats the character profile uses and displays within test results
    • Syncing stat options across characters
    • Separation of mental and physical stats
    • Choosing to opt out per projects/stories

    1. Character Creation:

       – A user-friendly interface for creating and customizing character profiles.

       – Input fields for various attributes like name, age, background, hobbies, and experiences.

       – Options to select moral alignments, Jungian function pairs, and other relevant character traits.

       – Ability to save, edit, duplicate, and delete character profiles.

    2. Scenario Sections:

       – Organized sections that cover different aspects of problem-solving styles, information processing, and character morals.

       – Multiple scenarios within each section, presenting different dilemmas and conflicts for characters to respond to.

       – Multiple answer options for each scenario, representing different problem-solving styles, moral perspectives, and function pairs.

       – Descriptions for each answer option, explaining the approach and values associated with it.

    3. Test Results:

       – Calculation of test results based on user-selected answer options.

       – Display of character traits, moral alignments, and function pairs associated with the chosen options.

       – Visualization of the character’s decision-making style and moral stance.

    4. Stat Generation:

    • You can opt out to use dnd style stats instead and just use the personality insights.

       – A separate test for generating mental and physical stats for characters.

       – User choice in selecting which stats they want to include for their character’s profile.

       – Incorporation of Jungian functions to generate scores for specific mental stats.

       – Utilization of character background, hobbies, and experiences to determine physical stats.

    5. Profile Management:

       – User accounts or profiles for saving and managing multiple character profiles.

       – Ability to view, edit, duplicate, and delete character profiles.

       – Option to export or share character profiles for reference or further development.

    6. Comparison and Interaction:

       – Side-by-side comparison of multiple character profiles to analyze their traits, moral alignments, and decision-making styles.

       – Assessment of how characters may interact or conflict with each other based on their traits and values.

       – Ability to explore character development and changes over time by comparing profiles at different stages of a story.

    7. Crowdfunding Integration:

       – Integration of crowdfunding functionality to seek support and funding for the website development and maintenance.

       – Explanation of the project, its goals, and the benefits it offers to potential supporters.

       – Donation options and rewards for contributors, based on their level of support.

    8. Artistic Mock-ups:

       – Creation of visual representations, such as animations or illustrations, to showcase the website’s interface and user experience.

       – Demonstration of character creation, scenario sections, test results, stat generation, profile management, and comparison features through artistic means.

    These features provide a comprehensive overview of the website idea, allowing users to create, develop, compare, and analyze character profiles while exploring different aspects of decision-making, moral alignments, and personal traits. Keep in mind that these features can be expanded upon or modified based on specific goals and requirements.