H-CAT’s Aurora Maylee: An illustrated introduction to holistic character profiles

Basic Details:

• Character Name: Aurora Maylee (may be some kind of test to help come up with names)

• Race: Lycanian Wolf Anthro (I’d like for there to be a multitude of races from tabletop games and other storytelling media or for custom options)

• Age: 14

• Birthday: May 4th (possible test for this)

• Sign: Taurus (birthday and thus this to if a user chooses to)

• MBTI Type: ENFP (this is based off old H-CAT manual test results but users would be able to input it themselves if they wanted.)

• Class: Cleric (Healer)

• Alignment: Neutral (Jungian scenarios would help with this or users would be able to input a manual alignment)

• Likes: Those who are caring, dresses

• Dislikes: Meanies, seeing people hurt, upset, or fighting


Aurora is defined by her silver eyes and hair that cascades down to her mid-waist. Her wardrobe choices resonate with the frilly Lolita style, bursting with a palette of pastel blues and pinks. The ensemble is accentuated with bows and a pearl bracelet.

Distinguishing Features:

• Wolf ears: Silver

• Bright Aura

• Skin Complexion: Fair

• Skin Color: Ivory beige

• No tattoos or birthmarks

Abilities and Affinities:

Central to Aurora’s character is her innate ability to read and manipulate auras. Her deep-seated connection to the “Auric” and spiritual realm underscores her unique talents. Aurora has her distinctive strengths and vulnerabilities.


HEXACO-W Dimensions: H-CATs own version of HEXACO for storytelling.

• Honesty/Humility:

• Emotionality:

• Extraversion:

• Agreeableness:

• Conscientiousness:

• Openness:

• Well-being:

DND Preset Attributes: The character profile is aiming to have multiple presets to use for various tabletop games, genre and other storytelling media. It also aims to be highly customizable so users can streamline the profile to their needs. They’ll be able to roll for stats or use the personality and other tests to calculate their stats. Aiming for more uses than just in tabletop games.

• Strength:

• Dexterity:

• Constitution:

• Intelligence:

• Wisdom:

• Charisma:

PETALS Core Categories: Original H-CAT personality framework. Integrating multiple existing ones.

• Dark Triad & More: Delving into the darker aspects of manipulation, self-obsession, and a lack of empathy.

• Power Dynamics: Exploring the interplay of power in personal and societal contexts.

• Risk Spectrum: A look at Aurora’s nature of Risk-Seeking versus Risk-Aversion.

• Moral Philosophy and Worldview: Providing a lens into Aurora’s core beliefs about the world.

• Life Approaches: Showcasing how Aurora perceives her control over life events and what she prioritizes.

Jungian Traits:

• Functions: (Specific attributes pertaining to the function can be expanded upon here)

Jungian Scenarios: Scenarios backed with options that are connected to possible Jungian functions. Wide range of scenarios to touch on multiple topics to figure out what’s below. Aims to also be highly customizable in terms of which scenarios you wish to take the test for.

• Information Processing: Insights into how Aurora assimilates and processes information

• Decision Making Style: A dive into Aurora’s approach to decisions

• Moral Alignment: An exploration of Aurora’s moral compass

This still isn’t everything. I need to add the enneagram and other sections and even other tests and their sections. The aim is for everything to have, presets, unparalleled customization and options for user direct input throughout the entire toolkit.

Enneagram: H-CATs version of the enneagram through straightforward choices in the test since it’s for storytelling. It would showcase dominant, auxiliary, tertiary, and inferior for motivations, fears, desires, weaknesses and strengths. The aim is to have the info filled in by the test with details input by the user for each dimension of the test.






I’ve come up with a lot but it’s up to the future community to decide what to keep officially and how to change and adapt things to be as inclusive as possible.

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