Road Map

The Holistic Character Assessment Toolkit (H-CAT) is set to redefine the landscape of character development and storytelling across various mediums. This roadmap highlights potential features and enhancements designed to meet community needs, ensuring that H-CAT remains at the forefront of innovation and community engagement. We invite you to embark on this journey with us, contributing your valuable insights and feedback to sculpt the evolution of H-CAT.

Vision for Expansion

Web Development and User Experience
  • Homepage Enhancement: Introduce a comic-style setup with interactive avatar hover effects to captivate users upon their first visit.
  • SEO & Responsiveness: Ensure the site is optimized for search engines and seamlessly adapts to all devices, enhancing user experience.
  • Recommended Sites Page: Curate a list of valuable resources, integrating internal and external links to foster a well-connected community.
Community-Driven Development
  • Collaborative Environment: Establish forums and feedback mechanisms to encourage active community participation in refining H-CAT’s content and relevance.
  • Inclusive Forms: Develop forms that cater to a diverse range of creative and professional needs, ensuring everyone’s voice is heard and represented.
  • Community Voting: Consider implementing community voting mechanisms where users can vote for their favorite potential features and custom development This not only fosters a sense of community but also opens avenues for recognizing and financially supporting exceptional creators.
  • Donations: Set up a donation system, allowing users who believe in the vision and utility of H-CAT to contribute financially. Transparency about how donations are utilized will be key to maintaining trust and support.
Content Creation and Transparency
  • SEO-Optimized Blog Posts: Regularly publish and update blog content, integrating SEO strategies to build a rich, informative resource for our community.
  • Transparency: Commit to transparency by regularly communicating about site costs, potential upgrades, and privacy policies.

Inclusive Forms: Enhancing Story/Game Integration

Clarity and Accessibility

  • Simplicity in Design: Ensure the story/game forms are designed for clarity, using straightforward language and an intuitive layout. Aim for simplicity in instructions and questions, making the forms accessible to users of all ages and backgrounds.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Implement a clean, visually appealing interface that guides users step-by-step through the form-filling process. Consider using visual cues or progress indicators to enhance the user experience.

Connecting to User Profiles

  • Seamless Integration: Ensure that forms are fully integrated with user profiles, providing a seamless experience from form submission to profile management. Enable auto-saving features so that users can pause their work and return to it without losing progress.
  • Developmental Tracking: Allow users to track the evolution of their stories or game ideas over time within their profiles, fostering a sense of development and growth.

Diverse Perspectives

  • Incorporate Broad Feedback: Regularly collect and analyze user feedback to ensure the forms cater to a wide range of cultural, social, and personal experiences. Use this feedback to continually refine and update the forms.
  • Resource Links: Provide direct links to resources and references within the forms, opening in new tabs to ensure users don’t lose their place. This approach supports users in expanding their understanding without interrupting their workflow.

Feedback and Iteration

  • Dynamic Feedback System: Implement a robust system for collecting user feedback on the forms. This could include comment sections, rating systems, or regular surveys.
  • Responsive Updates: Commit to regularly updating the forms based on user feedback, ensuring that they remain dynamic, user-focused, and inclusive.

Enhanced Intuitiveness and Information Accessibility

  • Intuitive Navigation: Design the forms to be intuitive, ensuring that users from various cultural and educational backgrounds can navigate them easily. Use universal symbols and icons where possible to transcend language barriers.
  • Collapsible Information Sections: Introduce collapsible sections for detailed descriptions. This allows users to access in-depth information if they choose, without overwhelming them initially.
  • Key Points and Extended Resources: Provide a concise summary of key points at the beginning of each section. Offer extended resources and reading material in collapsible sections or linked as external resources, opening in new tabs to maintain the flow of form completion.

Monetization Exploration

  • Aligning with Ethos: Approach monetization with the core ethos of H-CAT in mind, ensuring that any methods introduced resonate with the community-driven, creative nature of the platform.
  • Non-Intrusive Advertising: Explore advertising options that are non-intrusive and relevant to the user base. This could involve partnerships with brands or services that align with the interests and needs of storytellers, game designers, and creative minds who are part of the H-CAT community.
  • Premium Features: Consider offering advanced features, templates, or resources as premium options. This approach allows basic access to remain free, supporting the community-driven approach, while also generating revenue to support and expand the platform.
  • Crowdfunding Campaigns: Launch crowdfunding campaigns for specific features or expansions, allowing the community to directly contribute to the growth and development of H-CAT. Rewards or recognition for contributors can foster a closer connection between the platform and its users.

Innovative Applications

Interactive Quizzes for Creative Exploration

  • Dynamic Idea Generation: Develop quizzes that act as creative catalysts, helping users refine and expand their ideas. For instance, a quiz that aids in conceptualizing governing bodies or societal structures could ask users about the desired level of hierarchy, cultural influences, and historical precedents, offering a tailored concept that aligns with the user’s vision.
  • Character Development Tools: Create quizzes that delve into character creation, offering insights based on personality traits, birthdays, signs, numerology, or aura colors. These quizzes can provide a nuanced understanding of characters, enhancing depth and complexity.
  • User Customization and Notes: Allow users to add personal notes, specific details, and context to their quiz results, making the outcomes more relevant and integrated into their ongoing projects.
  • Community Contribution: Encourage knowledgeable users to contribute to the quiz creation process. This communal effort can lead to a richer, more diverse array of quizzes, covering a broad spectrum of topics and disciplines.
  • Current State of Platform
  • 1. Independent Forms & Interactive Quizzes:
  • • Users can begin their journey by either filling out one of the independent forms available or by taking the Enneagram quiz, the platform’s foundational quiz.
  • • Independent forms are designed for both character development and world-building, allowing users to input and structure their own content, offering flexibility and direct engagement with the platform.
  • • The Enneagram quiz, chosen for its simplicity and effectiveness in personality profiling, serves as a model for the development and structure of future quizzes that cover various aspects of storytelling, including character nuances and world-building.
  • 2. Streamlined Process (Future Goal):
  • • Goal to automate the transfer of quiz results to the corresponding form, enhancing efficiency and user experience.
  • • The integration will simplify the process, making it more user-friendly by eliminating the need for manual input, and include not just character development aspects but also world-building elements, ensuring a holistic approach to storytelling.
  • Future Goals
  • 3. Expansion with Additional Quizzes (Future Goal):
  • • Plans to introduce more quizzes that complement the Enneagram, covering various aspects of character development, intricate world-building, and story development.
  • • The Enneagram quiz will serve as a basis for creating additional, more complex quizzes, enriching the platform and offering a broader range of tools for creative exploration.
  • 4. Centralized Information Retrieval:
  • • A centralized hub for users to access, retrieve, and manage all relevant information about their characters, stories, and the worlds they inhabit efficiently.
  • • Enhanced features to organize, compare, and visualize the interconnections between characters, their stories, and the worlds they are part of.
  • 5. Printable Completed Forms:
  • • The ability for users to print off completed forms, whether they are the results of the Enneagram quiz or content from the independent forms.
  • • This feature adds a tangible aspect to the digital experience, providing a valuable resource for reference and collaborative storytelling and world-building, especially useful in settings like tabletop RPGs.

Upcoming Features and Enhancements

Test Section Enhancements
  • Enneagram Contribution: Advance the module to intricately reveal characters’ core fears, desires, and motivations.
  • HEXACO-W Contribution: Enhance understanding of personality traits, behavior patterns, and tendencies.
  • PETALS Contribution: Deepen the exploration of personality extremes, traits, and life spectrums, enriching character depth and realism.
  • Jungian Scenarios Contribution: Broaden insights into cognitive processes, ethical stances, and problem-solving strategies.
Interactions and Dynamics
  • Introduce tools for dynamic analysis of how different personality aspects interact and impact character behavior and decision-making.
HCAT Core Features
  • Develop customizable testing options for tailored user experiences.
  • Enhance character profile management with features for creation, duplication, editing, and deletion.
  • Improve test result options with detailed descriptions and personalized input areas.
  • Refine stat options to provide better control over displayed results and cross-character synchronization.
Developmental Features
  • Implement scenario sections addressing problem-solving, information processing, and character morals.
  • Create an intuitive and user-friendly character creation interface.
  • Advance the visualization of test results to effectively display character traits, moral alignments, and function pairs.
  • Develop a versatile stat generation system with options for traditional DnD style stats or nuanced personality insights.
Profile and Community Management
  • Offer comprehensive profile management tools including editing, duplication, deletion, and sharing capabilities.
  • Enable character comparison and interaction, fostering community-driven character development and dynamics.
  • Integrate crowdfunding to nurture and expand the H-CAT project, recognizing and rewarding the contributions of supporters.
  • Craft artistic mock-ups to visually represent the website’s interface, enhancing user experience and engagement.

Join the Journey

As H-CAT evolves, your participation becomes the bedrock of our progress. Immerse yourself in the world of H-CAT, explore its capabilities, and contribute to a platform that’s revolutionizing character development and storytelling. Your insights, creativity, and feedback are not only welcomed but pivotal. Join us now and become an integral part of sculpting the future of storytelling.

Together, we will craft a future where character development transcends art, becoming a journey of discovery, innovation, and community collaboration. Welcome to the next chapter of H-CAT.