Category Road map posts that needs improvement

Finding Inspiration in the Enneagram and Jungian Theory for Character Depth

The blog post promotes using the Enneagram and Jungian Theory for character development in writing. It details how the nine Enneagram personality types, each with its motivations, fears, and desires, can shape a character's journey. It also presents how Jungian Theory can provide insights into characters' perception and interaction with the world. The author encourages exploring these psychological frameworks to craft compelling, authentic characters in storytelling.

HEXACO-W Unveiled: A Nuanced Exploration of Personality and Beyond

The article explores the HEXACO-W framework model, an advanced characterization of the human personality. This model broadens the HEXACO model by incorporating elements of well-being and insights from other prominent models like Tellegen’s MPQ and 16PF. The HEXACO-W gives a well-rounded view of personality, encompassing individual traits and emotional states, enriching our understanding of human nature.